Introduction of our Company

The company LT PROJEKT a.s. was founded in June of 2010 and is the direct successor of a privately owned company run by engineer Mr. Luděk Tomek. The transition between these two companies has been very smooth; LT PROJEKT has carried on with all of the previous company’s operations, activities and responsibilities.

The design office of Luděk Tomek – LT Projekt was founded in 1992. Right from the outset when this company was being created, the core team consisted primarily of experts in the area of healthcare facility construction from the former state-run firm called Zdravoprojekt Brno. As a result, LT PROJEKT has also narrowed its focus to healthcare facility construction. All orders are processed by an effective team of experienced designers and construction specialists – experts in healthcare facility construction.

LT PROJEKT a.s. ensures a multifaceted operation which includes project design, engineering and consultation; this covers everything from creating proposals to obtaining all of the necessary paperwork documenting the project as well as supervising the actual construction. Thanks to the many years of experience the company has had in both healthcare facility and spa construction, it can guarantee the highest expertise and quality of work.

In view of the company’s narrow focus, its priority is to create optimal designs and proposals that would match the needs of investors, so that the end result would not only be fully functional but also cost-efficient to build and operate. Investors access the company’s services for creating specific construction projects, but above all, they use these services to further the overall development of hospital facilities. Currently, designs made by LT PROJEKT a.s. are being used in the renovation of numerous Faculty and regional hospitals both in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

LT PROJEKT a.s. can provide references from more than 50 hospitals, healthcare facilities and spas, ranging from large Faculty hospitals to smaller privately owned firms. One noteworthy reference includes the long-term collaboration with MZ ČR on the creation of standards for healthcare building appraisals.

More specific information about the company’s operations and capabilities may be obtained from its individual partners. Much positive feedback has been given about the company’s level of experience in healthcare facility construction and the quality of its completed projects. The company has also been praised for being able to meet clients’ needs, for effective communication and cooperation during the project design stage as well as the actual construction stage.

During the last few years, the company has expanded its operation to include places outside of the Czech Republic. It is focusing mainly on collaboration with its Slovak partners. Since the challenges in the healthcare system are very similar in these two countries, Slovakia tends to be the country where the company can utilize its experiences most effectively.


Ing. Luděk Tomek 

Předseda představenstva


Ing. Bc. Dita Bechová 

Člen představenstva


Ing. Martin Foral 

člen představenstva


Ing. Jan Kocmánek 

člen představenstva



Společnost LT PROJEKT a.s. vznikla v roce 2010 transformací z fyzické osoby Ing. Luděk Tomek – LT Projekt.

Projekční kancelář Ing. Luděk Tomek – LT Projekt (fyzická osoba) byla založena v roce 1992. Jádrem projekčního týmu se stali specialisté na zdravotnickou výstavbu z bývalého státního podniku Zdravoprojekt Brno, což předurčilo její specifické zaměření na projektování zdravotnické výstavby. Díky mnohaletým zkušenostem se zdravotnickou a lázeňskou výstavbou zaručuje maximální odbornost a kvalitu navrhovaných řešení. Předností firmy schopnost optimalizace projektu podle potřeb investora tak, aby výsledná stavba byla nejen plně funkční, ale i investičně a především provozně úsporná. 

Společnost LT PROJEKT a.s. může doložit reference z činnosti pro více než 50 nemocnic, zdravotnických a lázeňských zařízení, od velkých fakultních nemocnic po menší soukromé investory.

Historické milníky

  • 1992–1993

    The privately owned company run by engineer Mr.Luděk Tomek (owner of Trade Certificate valid for project activities) was established. The company relates to Zdravoprojekt Brno company and stayed in the same place. There is an effort to focus on construction for health care from the beginning of the business. The first projects are partly for the social area, there is cooperation with Salvation Army. 
  • 1994–1995

    The company has 4 employees, the begining of designing on computer in system Data Cad. Cooperation with Kroměříž Hospital and with local company Manďák. The Authorization Certificate of The Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians was obtained.  The first large project was finished - Annex of the southern wing of bulding A in Kroměříž Hospital.  
  • 1996–1997

    The new investros are founded - Jindřichův Hradec Hospital, University Hospital Královské Vinohrady, Přerov Hospital. Definitely focused on construction for health care. The first abroad studies - Rehabilitative centre Kuvajt. The number of employees doesn´t change - still 4-5 employees. Projects of health care facilities - long-term cooperation with Puro-Klima company. 
  • 1998

    Architectural interesting building - Hemodialysis centre EMCO Medical in Slavkov near by Brno was finished (in cooperation with arch. Zdeněk Fránek). Important building "University Hospital Královské Vinohrady in Prague - extension of anaesthesiological and resuscitation clinic" was finished. Succesfull cooperation with company Pam Arch.
  • 1999

    Succesfull cooperation with Kroměříž Hospital and Manďák company continue. The first abroad  business trip was made to construction expo in Paris. The number of employees is steady 4-5 person. LT PROJEKT succesively constructs its position on labour market of construction focused on health care.
  • 2000

    The longterm cooperation with Vyškov Hospital was started. The development plan of Vyškov Hospital and subsequently 6 stages of reconstruction and extension was designed. Concept development studies of many hospitals was desgined  - e.g. Vyškov Hospital, Jindřichův Hradec Hospital, Kroměříž Hospital. Concept designs for offer to cooperation abroad was designed - e.g. Vietnam, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Sudan.
  • 2001

    Cooperation with University Hospital in Motol was established by project of reconstruction and modernization Children´s University Hospital. This project was in cooperation with company Domy, s.r.o. The number of employees was raised up to 7 members.  
  • 2002

    The cooperation with company PURO-KLIMA (specialist for heatlh care facilities) is dynamically developed. Shared projects are e.g. Military University Hospital Prague, Jeseník, Bardejov in Slovakia. 
  • 2003

    The cooperation with MZ ČR by project to standardization buildings fot health care was established. LT PROJEKT breaks into home town, the cooperation with St.Ann´s University Hospital in Brno and with Military Hospital is beginning. The succesfull cooperation with Příbram Hospital is started.  The Authozation Certificate for Slovakia is obtained.  
  • 2004

    Conceptual and develompent studies are designed - e.g. Příbram in Czech republic, in Slovakia e.g. Bardejov, Lrompachy, Gelnica. The cooperation with St.Ann´s University Hospital in Brno is continued, there is a discussion about the cooperation on Mayo Clinic project - the famous american clinic from Rochester. There was made a study trip to Mayo Clinic, the first ideas for project ICRC was developed.
  • 2005

    There are 8 designers in the company. Still work on various designs of International Clinical Research Centre (ICRC). The company obtained important project in Slovakia in ÚVN SNP Ružomberok. 
  • 2006

    The number of empoyees is raisesd up to 12 members. Projecting is switched to AutoCad. There was made the second business trip to Mayo Clinic in Rochester in USA. The final version study project of the ICRC was developed in cooperadion with Adam Architects. Coorperation with company PURO-KLIMA is continued on the project of Spa resort Tree of life in Lázně Bělohrad.
  • 2007

    Development of the company is still in process, the numebr of empolyees raised up to 14 members. Cooperation with partners - District Hospital Příbram, St.Ann´s University Hospital in Brno, University Hospital Motol, Military Hospital Brno, etc. There was made business trip to Kazakhstan. Conceptual designs for offers to cooperate abroad - Bahrain, Vietnam, Kazakhstan. Cooperation with Zlín district and University Hospital in Brno was started.  After 15 years of existatiion is the company still privately owned and run by engineer Mr.Luděk Tomek.
  • 2008

    The expansion of the company still continue, every year is the turnover raised up and the number of employees is still just 15 designers. In cooperation with company K4 ltd is obtained important project for University Hospital Plzeň - Oncology Centre.  The amount of conceptual studies is significantly raised up. It was designed many development plans for hospitals - e.t. Zlín, Příbram, University Hospital Brno. The Certificate ISO 9001 was obtained. In cooperation with MZ ČR was finished the method of "Evaluation of construction for health care based on construction standards". According to this method has been evaluate buildings with respect to optimization of investment cost for next years.
  • 2009

    The last year of privately owned company run by engineer Mr.Luděk Tomek. High amount of conceptual development plans was designed - e.g. University Hospital Brno, University Hospital Plzeň, St.Michal´s Hospital in Bratislava. Record level of turnover more than 100 mil.Kč (4 mil.EUR) was reached. Expansion to the Slovak market. Important project was started - St. Michal´s in Bratislava, university Hospital Prešov - internal medicine momoblock. Cooperation with company Block a.s. on project of Endocrinology Centre Moscow was started. The business trip to Russia and Gruzie was made. The building-up of the Oncology Centre in University Hospital Plzeň has been started. 
  • 2010

    After 18 years of privately owned company run by engineer Mr.Luděk Tomek is time for change. The miletone in history of this company - transition to the company LT PROJEKT ltd. The company is stabilized, project team is still created by 15 employees. The realization of building "District Hospital Příbram - Modernization and extension - 1st stage was finished. The third business trip to Mayo Clinic in USA was made. 
  • 2011

    Transforming process to joint-stock company is finished. The construction of many important buildings was started - e.g. University Hospital Prešov - Internal medicine monoblock, University Hospital Banská Bystrica - operating rooms. The building of University Hospital Plzeň - Oncology Centre was nominated to Building of the year 2011. In the competition was this building appreciated by the Prize of the President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Furthermore this building was in the final nomination in category New-building and in competition Facade of year 2010 won the Prize of Building of the media partners.
  • 2012

    LT PROJEKT is still stable company despite of the crisis period. The work on project documentation of St.Michal´s Hospital in Bratislava are renewed. Cooperation with Slovak partners continues. Business stays and attendace in the final of the competition to reconstruction of University Hospital in Skopje was achieved. Completion of the projcet District Hospital Příbram - Reconstruction of the wing D3 monoblock was finished. Construction of the District Hospital Příbram - Modernization and extension was nominated to Building of the year 2012 of the Central Bohemian Region.    
  • 2013

    The position of a reliable, expert and quality project organization has been maintained. An important contract - the project documentation of the Hospital of St. Michal´s in Bratislava was finished. Cooperation with new partners was started - Tábor Hospital, Písek Hospital, Karlovy Vary Hospital. Contract for processing demanding abroad project Gabon Hospital was obtained. Completion of projects University Hospital Prešov - Internal monoblock and University Hospital - Operational rooms was finished.
  • 2014

    In spite of the design crisis period, LT PROJEKT still maintains about 14 employees. the year 2014 - the most critical in the company's history, nevertheless the economic result is in positive numbers. Prices of project work at the historical minimum. Even in a difficult situation and in a harsh business environment, they still manage to maintain a high level of projects without quality complaints. Cooperation with new partners was started - University Hospital Olomouc, Litoměřice Municipal Hospital. Projects developed for two hospitals in Gabon - Mouila and Oyem.
  • 2015

    After many years of crisis, the turnover raised up. Cooperation with new partners was started - e.g. University Hospital Ostrava, Lanškroun City, Jičín Hospital. The realization of the important building St.Michal´s Hospital in Bratislava was succesfully completed. The range of projects is extended by contracts outside the health care sector. Construction of Overgroung heliport HEMS in University hospital Plzeň was nominated to for the construction of the year of the Pilsen Region, and was awarded by the Union of Building Entrepreneurs.
  • 2016

    Navýšení počtu zaměstnanců na 16 osob. Obnoveny kontakty na Slovensku – Nemocnica Poprad, Svet Zdravia (Penta Investments). Spolupráce s K4 a.s. – projekty Psychiatrických klinik pro FN Brno a FN Plzeň. Pracovní cesty do Maroka a do Kazachstánu.
  • 2017

    Another increase in the number of employees - 17 persons. LT PROJEKT obtained significant engagements, participation in the final of architectural competition for design of University Hospital Hradec Králové - Next Level (cooperation with Pelčák and partner architects). Expert cooperation with design studio Arch.Design on project Next Generation Hospital Bratislava, cooperation with Dutch architects DHA, for the investor Svet Zdravia (Penta Investments). LT PROJEKT celebrates 25 years of successful existence.
  • 2018

    Spolupráce s novým investorem  MNO Ostrava (spolupráce PPS Kania), rozšíření spolupráce na Slovensku, investor Svet zdravia – Nemocnice Topolčany, nový investor FN Nitra, významné zakázky VN Brno – Pavilon operačních oborů, Generel FN Plzeň (spolupráce K4) a Lázně Bělohrad – Pavilon lázeňské rehabilitační péče, účast na koncepčním návrhu zcela nové nemocnice (na zelené louce) Nová Krajská Baťova nemocnice Zlín-Malenovice,  pokračuje mírná expanze firmy - 19 zaměstnanců a další nárůst obratu.
  • 2019

    Zásadní změna ve vedení firmy – nové představenstvo, nárůst počtu zaměstnanců na 20, významné koncepční práce – zpracovány dva generely (Nemocnice Poprad a nemocnice Litoměřice), zahájeny práce na generelu FN Olomouc, získání významné zakázky FN Plzeň – Pavilon chirurgických oborů. První projekty v BIM (Building Information Modeling).
  • 2020

    První soutěž Design &Build - soutěž o návrh na Dětskou léčebnu se speleoterapií Ostrov u Macochy
  • 2021

    Zahájeno zpracování projektové dokumentace strategických investic MZ ČR – FN Plzeň – Pavilon chirurgických oborů, FN Olomouc – Novostavba hlavní budovy B  a FN Brno – Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika , Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice - Urgentní příjem. Získání ocenění Opera Civitatem za projekt komplexního Onkologického centra ve FN Plzeň.
  • 2022

    Zahájeno zpracování projektové dokumentace -  Nové  CKTCH ve FN Brno, dokončeny stavby Psychiatrických klinik ve FN Brno a FN Plzeň.
  • 2023

    Zaveden ISM ve shodě s ISO 9001, ISO 27001 a ČSN 01 0391 pro předmět činnosti projektová činnost ve výstavbě.
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